Enhanced Epifluorescence Microscopy by Uniform and Intensity Optimized Illumination S�ebastien Herbert,1 Ricardo Henriques1,2* ALTHOUGH epifluorescence microscopy has been a key tool in biological research for the last few decades, it is still ham- pered by limitations imposed by the optical setups used. The conventional nonhomogeneous light excitation produced by most fluorescent microscopes modulates the observed fluo- rescence and cripples its intensity quantification across the sample field-of-view (FOV). We read with interest the recent work of Coumans et al. featured in this issue of Cytometry Part A (page 324). Here, a dual microlens array is employed to flatten and optimize the intensity of the otherwise generally nonuniform illumination in epifluorescence microscopes equipped with mercury arc lamp light sources. This work provides a key progress in the realm of existing methods to solve the inconsistent illumination problem in microscopy and demonstrates its potential application through the improvement of cell detection such as in the case of circulating tumor cells. HOW NONHOMOGENEOUS ILLUMINATION AFFECTS IMAGES? By default, fluorescence emission is proportional to the illumination intensity, except when fluorophore excitation is saturated or photobleaching occurs. Quantification of the fluorescence is perturbed when an uneven sample illumination is applied. This is the case for most standard fluorescence microscopy methods ranging from widefield epifluorescence, confocal (1), to total-internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy (2). Without proper care, this problem will lead to an incorrect image interpretation and analysis. Fluctuations in the illumination profile will yield anomalous intensity read- ings or even hide structures-of-interest in areas where the illumination drops considerably, mostly at the edges of the FOV. For example, take the case of different intensities observed for objects with similar fluorophore concentrations but at different regions of the irregularly illuminated FOV (3,4) or the incorrect threshold-based segmentation of objects whose intensities are altered by this unevenness. Techniques based on the correlation between multiple emission wavelengths, such as F€orster resonance energy transfer (FRET), can suffer particularly from anomalous quan- tifications caused by the irregular illumination. In FRET, the interaction between fluorescently labeled molecules able to undergo resonance energy transfer is calculated through the analysis of their relative intensities (e.g., donor fluorophore quenching and acceptor emission increase). Here, the ratio of emission between both classes of fluorophores—FRET-donor and FRET-acceptor—is corrupted in function of the irregular illumination, especially when the illumination profile is differ- ent for both channels. CHOOSING BETWEEN KOEHLER OR SEMICRITICAL ALIGNMENT In epifluorescence microscopy, a compromise must be made between either using Koehler illumination (the standard method in microscopy) to minimize inhomogeneities in light irradiation of the FOV (5) or a semicritical alignment of the illumination where higher excitation intensities are achieved but at the cost of a less homogeneous irradiation (Coumans et al.). On the sample observation side, the microscopist is faced with one of these two choices: the low-intensity in 1Institut Pasteur, Groupe Imagerie et Mod�elisation, CNRS URA 2582, Paris 75015, France 2Unidade de Biofisica e Express~ao Genetica, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Received 13 October 2011; Accepted 8 November 2011 Grant sponsor: Institut Pasteur, The Fondation pour la Recherche M�edicale, The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and Fundac¸~ao para a Ci^encia e a Tecnologia. *Correspondence to: Ricardo Henriques, Institut Pasteur, Groupe Imagerie et Mod�elisation, CNRS URA 2582, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, Paris 75015, France. E-mail: ricardoh@pasteur.fr Published online 5 March 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.21177 © 2012 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry Commentary Cytometry Part A • 81A: 278�280, 2012 ----!@#$NewPage!@#$---- Koehler illumination, in which longer exposure times will be needed to achieve a usable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), a factor that will also impose restrictions on the maximum frame-rate for time-lapse imaging, or the semicritical align- ment, which will lead to an unwanted lower illumination at the edges of the FOV increasing the overall anomalous varia- tions in the fluorescence emission. A POSTACQUISITION CORRECTION IS NOT IDEAL Postacquisition image analysis methods can be applied to flatten the irregular illumination present in both the Koehler and semicritical alignment setups. The most common proto- col involves a background subtraction followed by the division of the image intensity values by a field mask estimated from the nonuniform illumination pattern (3). However, this proce- dure also increases inhomogeneously the noise and back- ground profile of the image. The quality of this process is highly dependent on the SNR observed and the gain linearity of the light detector used, generally a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. FINDING A SOLUTION FOR MERCURY ARC LAMP-BASED EPIFLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPES Coumans et al. propose a solution for epifluorescence microscopes that use mercury arc lamp illumination. Fluorescence excitation in these kinds of microscopes can be especially tricky, as they tend to present a nonuniform illumi- nation pattern broader in one of the lateral (XY-) axis com- pared with the other. To reduce the illumination variability, these types of setups have an FOV considerably smaller than the illumination spot. This implies that an area greater than the imaged region is irradiated, leading to a considerable waste of light power in the FOV and inevitably to an excessive unneeded and unwanted photobleaching and photodamage of the sample. In this regard, we note that some epifluorescence microscope setups provide a square aperture that prevents illumination outside of the CCD’s FOV. The proposed solution by Coumans et al. is able to yield both a high intensity and highly uniform illumination. Here, a dual microlens array is set on an optimized collimator and inserted into the excitation path of the microscope, making it possible to segment and reorient the light beam. Consequently, it can be used to reshape the beam into a flat rectangular pattern that matches the FOV shape of the CCD detector. Furthermore, light rays otherwise hitting the exterior region of the FOV are cleverly redirected thus minimizing light leakage and unwanted photobleaching of nonimaged regions. Readdressed rays will additively contribute to the illumination, maximizing the intensity for the observed region while main- taining a flat field. Through the homogenization of the FOV illumination, this work opens the door to an enhanced assessment and quantification of fluorescence across images with confidence that these values are not altered by the variation of the excitation over the sample. Image analysis can be applied globally allowing for a better quality of analytical studies, implying an improvement to procedures such as thresholding, segmentation, object counting, morphology, and intensity quantification. Moreover, both the stable illumination and reduction of bleaching outside of the imaged area allow for a better stitch- ing or tiling quality of neighboring images by reducing indivi- dual-image edge artifacts. This permits their combination to obtain a single larger image of concatenated FOVs, a feature frequently used to observe samples larger than an individual camera-acquired image. Altogether, this method is a new key tool for researchers and should greatly facilitate the gathering of fluorescence microscopy information of large populations of cells, tissues, or organisms whose examination implies the observation, processing, and correlation of numerous epifluorescence images. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK Over the last decades, we have seen an increased aware- ness into the obstacles imposed by nonuniform illumination and a growth of tools to challenge them. Several other works have described methods for illumination homogenization in the FOV area through engineering of the optical setup (6–10). Yet, the illumination problem is not restricted to two-dimen- sions but also to three-dimensional space and/or time (1). Achieving a steady illumination in time over the experimental image acquisition is mostly dependent on the stability of the light source used. Although postacquisition image processing steps can reduce time-dependent illumination anomalies, the process alters the true quantitative nature of the data. Keeping a uniform illumination profile at increasing image depths also becomes complex as light scatters through the multiple struc- tures of the sample. Currently, tissue-clearing protocols that use reagents such as methyl salicylate or benzyl alcohol–benzyl benzoate increase sample transparency, thus diminishing this problem (11). However, these procedures are not compatible with live cell imaging, causing sample shrinkage and can dis- solve labeled fluorescence probes (resulting in weak detection signals). With the growth of adaptive optics methods, such as the use of spatial light modulators (SLMs), we now enter a new period where it is possible to dynamically adapt the sample illumination to the irregular shape of the sample itself or to heterogeneously structures of interest before imaging (12). These methods should lead to novel ways to improve sample illumination and visualization in three-dimensional space plus time but at the expense of a complex computa- tional estimation of the optimal light distribution over the sample. Overall the work of Coumans et al. provides a simple, sta- tic, and stable solution for some of the most common epifluo- rescence microscopes currently used. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank J. Oreopoulos, G. Martins, and C. Zimmer for advice and critical reading of the manuscript. COMMENTARY Cytometry Part A • 81A: 278�280, 2012 279 ----!@#$NewPage!@#$---- LITERATURE CITED 1. Murray JM, Appleton PL, Swedlow JR, Waters JC. 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