We're moving the Henriques lab to ITQB NOVA

Posted on Tue 01 October 2024 in news

In the news

We're moving to Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB) in Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This move represents an exciting new chapter for our research group, and we are eager to integrate into the dynamic scientific environment at ITQB.

This transition is particularly significant given the existing collaborations we have fostered with esteemed ITQB researchers. Our ongoing work with Mariana Pinho's group, exploring the intricate dynamics of bacterial cell wall biogenesis using super-resolution microscopy, is a prime example of the synergistic partnerships we aim to cultivate further. Additionally, our collaborative efforts with Pedro Pereira, focusing on the development of innovative machine learning algorithms for bioimage analysis, underscore our commitment to interdisciplinary research and open-source software development.

At ITQB, we envision expanding our research program in optical cell biology and artificial intelligence. We will continue to develop and refine advanced microscopy techniques, such as single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) and super-resolution radial fluctuations (SRRF), to unravel the complexities of cellular processes at the nanoscale. Furthermore, we plan to leverage the power of machine learning to automate image analysis, enhance resolution, and extract quantitative information from microscopy data.

Our integration into the MOSTMICRO research unit at ITQB holds immense potential for advancing our understanding of microbial systems. By combining our expertise in super-resolution microscopy and AI with the cutting-edge research conducted at MOSTMICRO, we aim to make significant contributions to the fields of microbiology, cell biology, and biomedicine. We are particularly excited to explore the application of our technologies to investigate host-pathogen interactions, microbial communities, and the molecular mechanisms underlying infectious diseases.

This move to ITQB marks a pivotal step in our journey to democratize cutting-edge imaging technologies and foster collaborative research.