Research Team

Ethan Garner

Ethan Garner

Group Leader

Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Publications with our group (see more on Google Scholar):

Processive movement of Staphylococcus aureus essential septal peptidoglycan synthases is independent of FtsZ treadmilling and drives cell constriction
Simon Schaeper, Antonio D Brito, Bruno M Saraiva, Georgia R Squyres, Matthew J Holmes, Ethan C Garner, Zach Hensel, Ricardo Henriques, Mariana G Pinho
Preprint published in bioRxiv, January 2023
Technologies: NanoJ
Funded by: EMBO and ERC
DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.29.547026

Funding with our group

Understanding cellular organisation - from archaea to eukaryotes
Buzz Baum, Mohan Balasubramanian, Jan Löwe, Ricardo Henriques, Ann-Christin Lindas, Thijs Ettema, Ethan Garner
Funded by: Wellcome Trust - Collaborative Award in Science
Duration: December 2016 - December 2021
Publications: 28