Research Team

Bruno M. Saraiva

Bruno M. Saraiva


Started in: May 2022

Funding: ERC Grant

Bruno is a 3rd-year Postdoc in our research group. Worked on 7 publications. Contributed to 3 technologies. Raised 1 grant. Collaborates with 7 labs. Mentored 1 PhD Student, 1 Masters Student, 1 Software Engineer.

My main focus is developing new tools for bioimage analysis that can empower life science researchers.

In the news


António D. Brito

António D. Brito

PhD Student
FCT Fellowship

Inês Cunha

Inês Cunha

Masters Student
EMBO Installation Grant

Mariana Ferreira

Mariana Ferreira

Software Engineer
H2021 AI4Life Grant funded


Christophe Leterrier

Christophe Leterrier

Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, INP
Marseille, France

Joint: 10

Ethan Garner

Ethan Garner

Harvard University
Cambridge, USA

Joint: 1 1

Guillaume Jacquemet

Guillaume Jacquemet

Abo Akademi University
Turku, Finland

Joint: 16 1

João Mamede

João Mamede

Rush University
Chicago, USA

Joint: 1 1

Mariana Pinho

Mariana Pinho

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 4 1 2

Pedro Matos Pereira

Pedro Matos Pereira

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 21 3

Yoav Shechtman

Yoav Shechtman

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, Israel

Joint: 5


SReD SReD Newest update: 2025-02-18
NanoPyx NanoPyx Newest update: 2025-01-08
Fast4DReg Fast4DReg Newest update: 2024-12-16

Publications with our group (see more on Google Scholar)

Efficiently accelerated bioimage analysis with NanoPyx, a Liquid Engine-powered Python framework
Bruno M. Saraiva, Inês Cunha, António D. Brito, Gautier Follain, Raquel Portela, Robert Haase, Pedro M. Pereira, Guillaume Jacquemet, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Nature Methods, January 2025
Technologies: Fast4DReg, NanoJ, NanoJ-eSRRF, NanoJ-SQUIRREL and NanoPyx
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
News:, Nouvelles du monde and RTP
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-024-02562-6
Structural Repetition Detector - multi-scale quantitative mapping of molecular complexes through microscopy
Afonso Mendes, Bruno M Saraiva, Guillaume Jacquemet, Joao I Mamede, Christophe Leterrier, Ricardo Henriques
Preprint published in bioRxiv, September 2024
Technologies: Nuclear-Pores as references and SReD
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, H2021 and H2022
DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.16.613204
Cell constriction requires processive septal peptidoglycan synthase movement independent of FtsZ treadmilling in Staphylococcus aureus
Simon Schäper, António D. Brito, Bruno M. Saraiva, Georgia R. Squyres, Matthew J. Holmes, Ethan C. Garner, Zach Hensel, Ricardo Henriques, Mariana G. Pinho
Paper published in Nature Microbiology, March 2024
Technologies: NanoJ
Funded by: EMBO and ERC
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01629-6
Fast4DReg–fast registration of 4D microscopy datasets
Joanna W Pylvänäinen, Romain F Laine, Bruno MS Saraiva, Sujan Ghimire, Gautier Follain, Ricardo Henriques, Guillaume Jacquemet
Paper published in Journal of Cell Science, January 2023
Technologies: CARE, Fast4DReg, NanoJ and ZeroCostDL4Mic
Funded by: CZI and ERC
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.260728
Processive movement of Staphylococcus aureus essential septal peptidoglycan synthases is independent of FtsZ treadmilling and drives cell constriction
Simon Schaeper, Antonio D Brito, Bruno M Saraiva, Georgia R Squyres, Matthew J Holmes, Ethan C Garner, Zach Hensel, Ricardo Henriques, Mariana G Pinho
Preprint published in bioRxiv, January 2023
Technologies: NanoJ
Funded by: EMBO and ERC
DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.29.547026
Roadmap on deep learning for microscopy
Giovanni Volpe, Carolina Wählby, Lei Tian, Michael Hecht, Artur Yakimovich, Kristina Monakhova, Laura Waller, Ivo F Sbalzarini, Christopher A Metzler, Mingyang Xie, Kevin Zhang, Isaac CD Lenton, Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Daniel Brunner, Bijie Bai, Aydogan Ozcan, Daniel Midtvedt, Hao Wang, Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad, Jason T Smith, Marien Ochoa, Margarida Barroso, Xavier Intes, Tong Qiu, Li-Yu Yu, Sixian You, Yongtao Liu, Maxim A Ziatdinov, Sergei V Kalinin, Arlo Sheridan, Uri Manor, Elias Nehme, Ofri Goldenberg, Yoav Shechtman, Henrik K Moberg, Christoph Langhammer, Barbora Špačková, Saga Helgadottir, Benjamin Midtvedt, Aykut Argun, Tobias Thalheim, Frank Cichos, Stefano Bo, Lars Hubatsch, Jesus Pineda, Carlo Manzo, Harshith Bachimanchi, Erik Selander, Antoni Homs-Corbera, Martin Fränzl, Kevin de Haan, Yair Rivenson, Zofia Korczak, Caroline Beck Adiels, Mite Mijalkov, Dániel Veréb, Yu-Wei Chang, Joana B Pereira, Damian Matuszewski, Gustaf Kylberg, Ida-Maria Sintorn, Juan C Caicedo, Beth A Cimini, Muyinatu A Lediju Bell, Bruno M Saraiva, Guillaume Jacquemet, Ricardo Henriques, Wei Ouyang, Trang Le, Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal, Daniel Sage, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia, Ebba Josefson Lindqvist, Johanna Bergman
Preprint published in arXiv, January 2023
Technologies: BioImage Model Zoo, CARE and ZeroCostDL4Mic
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC and H2021
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2303.03793
eHooke - A tool for automated image analysis of spherical bacteria based on cell cycle progression
Bruno M. Saraiva, Ludwig Krippahl, Sérgio R. Filipe, Ricardo Henriques, Mariana G. Pinho
Paper published in Biological Imaging, September 2021
Funded by: ERC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.1017/s2633903x21000027

Funding with our group

Cutting-edge super-resolution image analysis in napari through NanoJ
Bruno Saraiva, Ricardo Henriques
Funded by: CZI - Applications - napari Plugin Foundations grants
Duration: January 2023 - December 2023
Publications: 3