Research Team

Nils Gustafsson

Nils Gustafsson

PhD Student

Started in: September 2014

Ended in: October 2017

Funding: UCL CoMPLEX Studentship

Nils was a 4-year PhD Student in our research group. Was supervised by Ricardo Henriques. Thesis can be found here. Worked on 4 publications. Contributed to 3 technologies. Collaborated with 6 labs.

In the news


Buzz Baum

Buzz Baum

Cambridge, UK

Joint: 7 3 1

Christophe Leterrier

Christophe Leterrier

Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, INP
Marseille, France

Joint: 10

Dylan Owen

Dylan Owen

University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK

Joint: 2 1

Jason Mercer

Jason Mercer

University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK

Joint: 7 4

Mark Marsh

Mark Marsh

University College London
London, UK

Joint: 4 2

Pedro Matos Pereira

Pedro Matos Pereira

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 21 3


NanoJ NanoJ Newest update: 2024-03-22
NanoJ-SRRF NanoJ-SRRF Newest update: 2024-03-22
Super-Beacons Super-Beacons Newest update: 2020-01-01

Publications with our group

Super‐beacons - Open‐source probes with spontaneous tuneable blinking compatible with live‐cell super‐resolution microscopy
Pedro M Pereira, Nils Gustafsson, Mark Marsh, Musa M Mhlanga, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Traffic, January 2020
Technologies: NanoJ, NanoJ-Fluidics, NanoJ-SQUIRREL, NanoJ-SRRF and Super-Beacons
Funded by: BBSRC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.1111/tra.12728
NanoJ - a high-performance open-source super-resolution microscopy toolbox
Romain F Laine, Kalina L Tosheva, Nils Gustafsson, Robert D M Gray, Pedro Almada, David Albrecht, Gabriel T Risa, Fredrik Hurtig, Ann-Christin Lindås, Buzz Baum, Jason Mercer, Christophe Leterrier, Pedro M Pereira, Siân Culley, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, January 2019
Technologies: CARE, NanoJ, NanoJ-Fluidics, NanoJ-SQUIRREL, NanoJ-SRRF, NanoJ-VirusMapper and QuickPALM
Funded by: BBSRC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab0261
A hidden Markov model approach to characterizing the photo-switching behavior of fluorophores
Lekha Patel, Nils Gustafsson, Yu Lin, Raimund Ober, Ricardo Henriques, Edward Cohen
Published in The annals of applied statistics, January 2019
Funded by: BBSRC
DOI: 10.1214/19-AOAS1240
Fast live-cell conventional fluorophore nanoscopy with ImageJ through super-resolution radial fluctuations
Nils Gustafsson, Siân Culley, George Ashdown, Dylan M. Owen, Pedro Matos Pereira, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Nature Communications, August 2016
Technologies: NanoJ-SRRF and QuickPALM
Funded by: BBSRC
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12471