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- HenriquesLab/PhotoFiTT

Publication: Rosario et al. bioRxiv 2024
- 1

PhotoFiTT is a quantitative framework for assessing phototoxicity in live-cell microscopy experiments. This approach leverages machine learning and cell cycle dynamics to analyze mitotic timing, cell size changes, and overall cellular activity. PhotoFiTT enables researchers to evaluate the impact of light exposure on living cells during imaging, helping to optimize experimental conditions and ensure the integrity of biological observations.

Publications featuring PhotoFiTT

PhotoFiTT - A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Phototoxicity in Live-Cell Microscopy Experiments
Mario Del Rosario, Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal, Leonor Morgado, Raquel Portela, Guillaume Jacquemet, Pedro M. Pereira, Ricardo Henriques
Preprint published in bioRxiv, July 2024
Technologies: DL4MicEverywhere, PhotoFiTT and ZeroCostDL4Mic
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.16.603046

Funding contributing to PhotoFiTT

Enabling Live-Cell 4D Super-Resolution Microscopy Guided by Artificial Intelligence
Ricardo Henriques
Alias: SelfDriving4DSR
Funded by: ERC - Consolidator
Duration: September 2021 - September 2026
Publications: 29