Research Team

Leonor Morgado

Leonor Morgado

PhD Student

Started in: September 2021

Funding: IGC-Abbelight Partnership

Leonor is a 4th-year PhD Student in our research group. Is supervised by Ricardo Henriques, Hannah Heil and Abbelight. Worked on 3 publications. Contributed to 1 technology. Collaborates with 2 labs.

Leonor is interested in developing and applying machine-learning algorithms to guide super-resolution microscopy experiments. Her goal is to use these tools to study the dynamics of the cell division machinery.


Guillaume Jacquemet

Guillaume Jacquemet

Abo Akademi University
Turku, Finland

Joint: 16 1

Pedro Matos Pereira

Pedro Matos Pereira

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 21 3


PhotoFiTT PhotoFiTT Newest update: 2025-03-13

Publications with our group

PhotoFiTT - A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Phototoxicity in Live-Cell Microscopy Experiments
Mario Del Rosario, Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal, Leonor Morgado, Raquel Portela, Guillaume Jacquemet, Pedro M. Pereira, Ricardo Henriques
Preprint published in bioRxiv, July 2024
Technologies: DL4MicEverywhere, PhotoFiTT and ZeroCostDL4Mic
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.16.603046
The rise of data-driven microscopy powered by machine learning
Leonor Morgado, Estibaliz Gómez‐de‐Mariscal, Hannah S. Heil, Ricardo Henriques
Review published in Journal of Microscopy, January 2024
Technologies: NanoJ and NanoJ-Fluidics
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
DOI: 10.1111/jmi.13282
Expansion Microscopy on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
AG Korovesi, L Morgado, M Fumasoni, R Henriques, HS Heil, M Del Rosario
Paper published in microPublication Biology, January 2022
Funded by: EMBO, ERC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000566