Research Team

António D. Brito

António D. Brito

PhD Student

Started in: October 2021

Funding: FCT Fellowship

António is a 4th-year PhD Student in our research group. Is supervised by Mariana Pinho, Ricardo Henriques and Bruno Saraiva. Worked on 2 publications. Contributed to 1 technology. Collaborates with 3 labs.

In the news


Guillaume Jacquemet

Guillaume Jacquemet

Abo Akademi University
Turku, Finland

Joint: 16 1

Mariana Pinho

Mariana Pinho

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 4 1 2

Pedro Matos Pereira

Pedro Matos Pereira

Oeiras, Portugal

Joint: 21 3


NanoPyx NanoPyx Newest update: 2025-01-08

Publications with our group

Efficiently accelerated bioimage analysis with NanoPyx, a Liquid Engine-powered Python framework
Bruno M. Saraiva, Inês Cunha, António D. Brito, Gautier Follain, Raquel Portela, Robert Haase, Pedro M. Pereira, Guillaume Jacquemet, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Nature Methods, January 2025
Technologies: Fast4DReg, NanoJ, NanoJ-eSRRF, NanoJ-SQUIRREL and NanoPyx
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
News:, Nouvelles du monde and RTP
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-024-02562-6
Cell constriction requires processive septal peptidoglycan synthase movement independent of FtsZ treadmilling in Staphylococcus aureus
Simon Schäper, António D. Brito, Bruno M. Saraiva, Georgia R. Squyres, Matthew J. Holmes, Ethan C. Garner, Zach Hensel, Ricardo Henriques, Mariana G. Pinho
Paper published in Nature Microbiology, March 2024
Technologies: NanoJ
Funded by: EMBO and ERC
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01629-6