Research Team

Hannah Heil

Hannah Heil


Started in: December 2020

Ended in: December 2024

Funding: FCG Fellowship; EMBO Fellowship; FCT Fellowship

Hannah was a 5-year Postdoc in our research group. Worked on 6 publications. Contributed to 1 technology. Raised 2 grants. Collaborated with 3 labs. Mentored 1 Masters Student, 1 PhD Student.

Overview: Coming from a background of semiconductor physics and nanofabrication switched over to the Biophysics and fluorescence microscopy field for my Master studies and my PhD. I love working in an interdisciplinary team to study cell biology by combining biophotonics and high-end microscopy. In the Henriques Lab I will establish automated and intelligent super-resolution microscopy to study host pathogen interactions.

In the news


Inês Cunha

Inês Cunha

Masters Student
EMBO Installation Grant

Leonor Morgado

Leonor Morgado

PhD Student
IGC-Abbelight Partnership


Bassam Hajj

Bassam Hajj

Institut Curie
Paris, France

Joint: 1 1

Christophe Leterrier

Christophe Leterrier

Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, INP
Marseille, France

Joint: 10

Guillaume Jacquemet

Guillaume Jacquemet

Abo Akademi University
Turku, Finland

Joint: 16 1


NanoJ-eSRRF NanoJ-eSRRF Newest update: 2024-03-22

Publications with our group (see more on Google Scholar)

The rise of data-driven microscopy powered by machine learning
Leonor Morgado, Estibaliz Gómez‐de‐Mariscal, Hannah S. Heil, Ricardo Henriques
Review published in Journal of Microscopy, January 2024
Technologies: NanoJ and NanoJ-Fluidics
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021 and H2022
DOI: 10.1111/jmi.13282
High-fidelity 3D live-cell nanoscopy through data-driven enhanced super-resolution radial fluctuation
Romain F. Laine, Hannah S. Heil, Simao Coelho, Jonathon Nixon-Abell, Angélique Jimenez, Theresa Wiesner, Damián Martínez, Tommaso Galgani, Louise Régnier, Aki Stubb, Gautier Follain, Samantha Webster, Jesse Goyette, Aurelien Dauphin, Audrey Salles, Siân Culley, Guillaume Jacquemet, Bassam Hajj, Christophe Leterrier, Ricardo Henriques
Paper published in Nature Methods, November 2023
Technologies: NanoJ, NanoJ-eSRRF, NanoJ-SQUIRREL, NanoJ-SRRF, NanoPyx and Nuclear-Pores as references
Funded by: CZI, EMBO, ERC, FCT, H2021, H2022, InnOValley and Wellcome Trust
News:, The Science Times, and
Blogs: Springer Nature Protocols and Methods Community
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-023-02057-w
Mapping molecular complexes with super-resolution microscopy and single-particle analysis
Afonso Mendes, Hannah S. Heil, Simao Coelho, Christophe Leterrier, Ricardo Henriques
Review published in Open Biology, July 2022
Technologies: NanoJ-VirusMapper, Nuclear-Pores as references and ZeroCostDL4Mic
Funded by: EMBO, ERC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.1098/rsob.220079
Trimethine cyanine dyes as NA-sensitive probes for visualization of cell compartments in fluorescence microscopy
Daria Aristova, Roman Selin, Hannah Sophie Heil, Viktoriia Kosach, Yuriy Slominsky, Sergiy Yarmoluk, Vasyl Pekhnyo, Vladyslava Kovalska, Ricardo Henriques, Andriy Mokhir
Paper published in ACS omega, January 2022
Funded by: EMBO, ERC and H2021
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c05231
Expansion Microscopy on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
AG Korovesi, L Morgado, M Fumasoni, R Henriques, HS Heil, M Del Rosario
Paper published in microPublication Biology, January 2022
Funded by: EMBO, ERC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000566
The field guide to 3D printing in microscopy
Mario Del Rosario, Hannah S Heil, Afonso Mendes, Vittorio Saggiomo, Ricardo Henriques
Review published in Adv. Biol., January 2021
Technologies: CARE, NanoJ, NanoJ-Fluidics and NanoJ-SRRF
Funded by: EMBO, ERC and Wellcome Trust
DOI: 10.1002/adbi.202100994

Funding with our group

Mapping the early stages of HIV-1 infection by live-cell 4D Super-Resolution Microscopy
Hannah Heil
Funded by: EMBO - Postdoctoral Fellowships
Duration: September 2021 - August 2023
Publications: 5
Mapping HIV-1 infection by 4D Super-Resolution Microscopy
Hannah Heil
Funded by: FCT - CEEC Individual
Duration: July 2021 - June 2027
Publications: 2